Audiri SkoolBag School community Book a Tour
April 20, 2020

Thoughtful words from our school community

I’ve always valued teachers - but even more so now that I work in the sector and see the planning and effort that goes on behind the scenes. Possibly this has never been more true than it is right now (although I’m sure it’s always been true) and I suspect that out of all the awful stuff coming from this Coronavirus pandemic, some of the positives will include a higher, broader and deeper appreciation for teachers and the role of schools in society.

A very quick message to say thank you for making our children’s first day of term 2 a great one

These are such challenging times, and I’m so impressed with the communications, information, care and support that Holy Family is providing.

I’ve always valued teachers - but even more so now that I work in the sector and see the planning and effort that goes on behind the scenes. Possibly this has never been more true than it is right now (although I’m sure it’s always been true) and I suspect that out of all the awful stuff coming from this Coronavirus pandemic, some of the positives will include a higher, broader and deeper appreciation for teachers and the role of schools in society.

What a different setup this morning was. I must say I was so impressed that everything worked out and the kids got to go online and see their classmates and Teacher.

It was so easy and engaging for our son. He did a few things wrong and went into panic mode but I assured him, everyone is learning even the Teachers and Parents and it was all ok. He is sitting at his desk and learning at his own pace. A break to run around the backyard with the dog and then back into maths.

The instructions from his Teacher were great. Thank you all so much for your continued dedication and commitment to our kids.

What a way to start. Congratulations.

Hope you are well and safe.

I just wanted to say thank you so much for all you are doing. I’m very grateful for my two girls’ teachers and the support we get from the school.

Our school is way ahead in planning and very sensible. I see the difference when I speak to my friends and family from other schools. All thanks to your leadership and hard work of both you and the teachers. Really appreciate it.

I wanted to drop a line to ask how both you and your families are, and that I hope all are well and healthy.

Secondly, I wanted to express an enormous thank you for all the behind the scenes work you would be doing right now given these uncertain and unprecedented times.

It is a huge relief for me and my family to be part of such a wonderful school, and to have such peace of mind that you both are leading the way in our new learning paths, however strange they may look. In complicated situations, it largely depends on the village one has around them and Holy Family is certainly a remarkable part of our village.

Please pass on my thanks to your amazing staff and team. It is because of the incredible and stoic efforts of people such as yourselves that we all continue to grow and evolve despite the challenges this situation presents.

My very best wishes and thanks to you all.

I just wanted to pass on a HUGE thank you to you and the team for the outstanding preparation for the move to home schooling.

There are so many negative reports in the press, but they certainly do not apply to our Holy Family. From Wednesday morning, our son excitedly joined his class for this new experience and the learning in the past 3 days has been great. The follow-up calls from his teacher to check in on how he is going is an added bonus we could not have expected.

Congratulations to the start of this journey. Who knows how long it may go for, but we are very proud right now that we send our son to Holy Family.

Just a quick note to say a huge thank you for the work you’ve done to ensure my children continue to learn during this time. The communication and preparedness has been comforting and impressive.

Our children are in a great headspace, we’re logged in and ready to go.

One of my favourite Dad jokes growing up was when my Dad would come to my bedroom on one of my slow mornings and say 'Wake up! Are you going to school today or is school coming to you?'

Well, I wish he was alive today to see this. School has come to our home and is wonderful. We feel so blessed.

I really can't find the words to express how impressive this is and grateful I am that in this frightening crisis, you've all been able to convert face to face lessons into videos and digital presentations.

Firstly, the religious links from the parish and school made Easter very special our home.

The online routine and connection with the class teacher and the whole class has been a delight.

My daughter is so engaged. To have school and all the specialist classes continue like this is just amazing to me.

I'm grateful for your team who have mentored both my children. They are praying, maintaining hope and looking after each other.

The webinar was fantastic, our school has always had strong foundations in ICT and this has put us in great stead now more than ever. Thanks for organising it!

Just wanted to a huge thank you for your leadership during this really challenging time. Your continuous support and concern for us all is very much appreciated. I know it is extremely stressful and you all must be exhausted but you haven’t stopped and continue to be there for us - along with the rest of all your magnificent staff.

Here’s hoping you get some down time for the next weeks!!

Thanks again and stay safe and well.