Audiri SkoolBag

Enrolment Process

  1. You are invited to make a time for a school tour for your family. We recommend that you take a school tour on one of the Open Days held every Tuesday at 9:30am. This is an excellent opportunity for you to learn about school life at Holy Family School. Please contact the school office (03 9807 3300) to book your tour.
  2. At the school tour you will be given an enrolment prospectus, enrolment form and other important parent/care-giver information.
  3. If you wish to proceed with enrolling your child, please return the completed application form distributed with the enrolment prospectus. We strongly recommend that enrolments for Prep are submitted to the Principal no later than the third week of May of the year preceding your child’s Prep year of enrolment. Prep enrolment offers are confirmed after receiving the enrolment form.
  4. Upon receipt of the completed enrolment form your child's name will be added to the list of families seeking enrolment at Holy Family School.
    1. The following documents must accompany an application for enrolment form:
      1. Copy of birth Certificate
      2. Copy of Baptismal Certificate (where applicable)
      3. Copy of Immunisation Certificate
      4. Most recent school report (for children entering at Grades Prep-6 from another school setting)
  5. Places at Holy Family School are offered according to our enrolment criteria:
    1. Catholic children who are residents of the parish.
    2. Catholic children who do not reside in the parish but are recognised as parishioners of Holy Family Parish.
    3. Catholic children from other parishes (for pastoral reasons).
    4. Children from non-Catholic Eastern churches who reside in the parish.
    5. Children from non-Catholic Eastern churches who reside outside the parish
    6. Other Christian children who reside in the parish.
    7. Other Christian children who reside outside the parish.
    8. Non-Christian children who reside in the parish.
    9. Non-Christian children who reside outside the parish.

      Note: Siblings of children already enrolled in the school will be given a priority enrolment. Enrolments may be accepted for children with specific pastoral reasons. Children must turn 5 years of age before the 30th April in the year they are commencing school.
  6. Following the receipt of your enrolment application your enrolment will be considered against the above enrolment criteria. Parents/Caregivers are informed of the success of their application at the end of May the year preceding your child’s Prep enrolment. Acceptance for children in Grades Prep-Grade 6 transferring from another school setting is made in negotiation with the parent.
  7. A letter confirming your child's enrolment will be sent to you, along with information about the starting date and year level information. Parents will also be made aware of the schools Prep Transition Program and the Prep Parent Information Night to be held throughout term 4 of the year preceding enrolment.
  8. Where an enrolment placement is offered the acceptance of such offers involves a payment of a non-refundable enrolment acceptance fee of $100 for all new families. This fee payment will be deducted from term one fees.
  9. An interview will be held in the third term of the year prior to your child commencing school, giving you as Parents/Caregivers the opportunity to share your child's interests, talents and personal development. This information will support your child's teacher in making the transition visits a positive and welcoming experience.
  10. If an enrolment placement is not available your child will be placed on a waiting list if that is what you wish. You will then be notified if a place becomes available.
  11. It is the responsibility of the Parents/Caregivers to advise the school of changes to address or contact details as detailed in any enrolment form.
  12. Parents seeking enrolment for Grades Prep- 6 may alternatively complete a pre-enrolment form, refer to pre-enrolment form link. This pre-enrolment form is an option suggested for families moving from other school settings and can be emailed or delivered to the principal for his/her consideration. ( Once a placement has been confirmed for enrolments submitted through a pre-enrolment form the official enrolment will need to be completed prior to enrolment. No payment is required with the pre-enrolment form.
  13. Enrolments for children who do not have Australian citizenship are to be negotiated with the principal.