Audiri SkoolBag
January 02, 2023

2023 - An Exciting Chapter Ahead!

At the commencement of the 2023 school year we will launch our new school vision statement and theme. Both of these documents have had input from staff, parents and students.

Our new vision statement is -

In Faith, We believe, We belong, We learn, We grow

Our 2023 School Theme is -


At the end of the 2022 school year all of our learning spaces were moved. This has enabled our school to have a 'Specialist Hub' area and 'parent gathering' space inside.

We are hosting an 'open classroom' afternoon from 2pm - 3pm on Monday 30th January to provide students and parents to come in to meet class teachers and see the new learning spaces before the school year commences.

Some initiatives that will continue or be introduced are -

  • Connection with our Parish
  • Installation of a new 'adventure playground'
  • ICAS assessments
  • Maths Olympiad entries
  • Tier 2 Reading Intervention (MultiLit)
  • Weekly whole school wellbeing hour (The Resilience Project/Respectful Relationships)
  • Availability of a School Counsellor for families (free of charge)
  • Mini Vinnies Program
  • Kindergarten visits by students
  • Stronger connection with Avila and Salesian Colleges
  • New LOTE program
  • Therapy Dog training