Audiri SkoolBag
March 11, 2024

Explicit Instruction and Daily Review

Our staff had an amazing day of learning which was orchestrated by our Literacy Leader (Natalie) and the other members of the Reading and Learning Collective. This small group of passionate educators received a grant from Melbourne Archdiocese Catholic Schools (MACS) to build on the knowledge of Science of Learning and Science of Reading in 8 Catholic Primary Schools.

I am pleased to say that Holy Family School, Mount Waverley, has already embarked on the journey of explicit direct instruction (DEI) and the Science of Learning and Reading. Our school is entering the second year in this change to instruction.

Professional Learning for our whole staff on Friday was facilitated by Brooke Wardana and Jared Bussell (Shaping Minds). In the audience for the day we also had Dr Nathaniel Swain (Think Forward Educators), Heidi Gregory (Dyslexia Victoria) and Dr Edward Simons (Executive Director Melbourne Archdiocese Catholic Schools).

The focus for the day was 'Evidence Based Instruction - Improving Educational Outcomes in Primary Schools'.

  • What matters most in teaching and learning?
  • Discuss the theory that underpins Direct and Explicit Instruction
  • Unpack Rosenshine's Principles of Instruction
  • Sweller's Cognitive Load Theory
  • Identify Explicit Direct Instruction (EDI) Lesson Design and Delivery Elements
  • What goes into a Daily Review?

Holy Family has already seen growth in student achievement after 6 months of explicit teaching in the Prep - Year 3 cohort. We are currently in the position of having hardly any students in the Junior/Middle school requiring Tier 2 Reading Intervention (MultiLit) so we can focus on delivering 4 sessions of MacqLit to some of our Year 5 and 6 students.

Please come and see the positive changes happening in learning, instruction and behaviour at Holy Family Primary School.