Term 3 started with our staff gathering to learn and plan together.
The outline for the day was -
- revisiting our 'reading' journey so far this year
- exploring how to enhance our reading program with a focus on vocabulary Prep-Year 6
- developing our Professional Learning Culture with a focus on staff feedback and coaching
Holy Family Reading Journey
This year our staff have been introduced to the Science of Reading which provides the strongest evidence about how students learn to read.
The science of reading refers to a body of evidence that encompasses multi-disciplinary knowledge from education, linguistics, cognitive psychology, special education and neuroscience. The science of reading looks at the essential cognitive processes for competent reading and describes how reading develops in both typical and atypical readers. These studies have revealed a great deal about how we learn to read, what goes wrong when students don’t learn, and the instructional strategies that facilitate the cognitive processes required for reading (Castles et al 2018; Ehri 2005, 2014; Moats 2020)

Holy Family's journey so far -

Staff explored the importance of teaching vocabulary to enhance comprehension.

Staff viewed examples from Dr Anita Archer on how to teach vocabulary explicitly to students in Years Prep - 6.

Professional Learning Culture
To enhance our 'Professional Learning Culture' staff revisited the tools of feedback and coaching to ensure that Holy Family has the 'best' teachers guiding the growth of our students.

It is an exciting time to be part of our Holy Family School Community!