Audiri SkoolBag
August 10, 2022

Holy Family School Values Languages

Buongiorno a tutti

This term the year 5/6 students are working on a new language strategy (Now We're Talking - Italian) developed by Catholic Education Melbourne. It would be great if you could kindly support the 5/6 students in this approach and perhaps you as co-learners will change the school culture to enable effective language learning.

In this approach to language learning: students in every level as well as teaching and non teaching staff, and even parents are invited to join in and have a go!!.

Italian language learning is coming alive at Holy Family School.

Our goal is to be able to say and use high frequency Italian language every day.

It is not just the students learning Italian but everyone is learning the language.

We are all very good at speaking English, so let's try speaking a little Italian when we can!!

We will take small steps so don't worry!!

To work towards learning and speaking more Italian, we are ALL going to:

  • learn a word or few words at a time

  • use gestures to help us remember the words

  • keep using the words we know, in the classroom, in the playground and at home.


Our Year 6 Italian leaders (Thomas & Abigail) will be presenting this strategy at our school Assemblies.

The students will start visiting classrooms each week beginning Tuesday 2nd August - Friday daily, eating lunch time.

The first 5 words that we are all going to use from now on are...…

BUONGIORNO. (Good morning or good day)


GRAZIE (thankyou)

PREGO (you’re welcome)

PER FAVORE (please)

So from now on we will say “Buongiorno!” So each morning please greet your students in Italian, eg. Buongiorno Year 1/2.

We will regularly learn a new word or a few new words to add to our learning of the Italian language.

The year 5/6 students are making posters to promote the new words and are happy to visit your classroom/office daily, perhaps between 8:50 - 9:00am each morning or eating time daily, demonstrating the Italian words and gestures.

The students and l, are very excited and keen to hear everyone have a go at using Italian language outside the weekly Italian lesson.

Looking forward to hearing “Buongiorno” 'buon·giór·no' around the school, office and playground.