Audiri SkoolBag
February 28, 2022

Make A Difference

Our Holy Family School theme for 2022 is 'Make A Difference'. Our School Captains spoke about how they are going to 'make a difference' at our Opening School Mass last Tuesday.

Our staff are working to 'make a difference' in the educational and wellbeing opportunities offered to each student and family in 2022.

Professional learning for our staff will support them to continue to improve the 'growth' of all students. In 2022, the school is implementing Tier 2 Reading Intervention (MultiLit) and all staff are involved in a Mathematics Intensive Partnership Initiative with the Melbourne Archdiocese of Catholic Schools (MACS). Our staff will continue to focus on the inclusion of learning intentions, success criteria, learning walks, case management meetings, third teacher resources, bump it up walls, ...

The wellbeing of our students will be supported by a number of initiatives -

  • onsite psychologist
  • onsite counsellors
  • 'wellbeing ' hour each week (The Resilience Project and Respectful Relationships Program)
  • Year 5 and Prep student 'buddy program'
  • Year 6 students running lunchtime clubs based on student feedback
  • Year 6 students hosting 'class meetings' with each class every Monday
  • student awards presented at assembly every Monday afternoon