Audiri SkoolBag
February 25, 2024

Science of Learning at Holy Family School

Our staff are embarking on the journey of the 'Science of Learning' in Literacy and Mathematics from Prep to Year 6.

Our teachers are being supported by members of our Staff Leadership Team who are working alongside staff members to provide support, feedback and coaching. The Literacy and Mathematics Leaders are released from their own classroom duties to model for other classroom teachers throughout the week.

The teachers at Holy Family are designing instruction in a way that is likely to lead most students to experience success with learning using Tier One teaching methods. Some students will require intervention to support their learning therefore we have Tier Two Intervention Programs for this group of students.

Our teachers believe knowledge matters and that the most efficient way to teach knowledge is through explicit instruction. Teaching at Holy Family is informed by evidence and our focus is to deliver a curriculum that is ambitious, coherent, sequential and cumulative. A curriculum that will lead to a change in long-term memory to enhance learning.

Our students will learn new material in small steps with students practicing after each step. Each student uses a whiteboard to write their response to check for understanding. No longer do our teachers rely on one student to raise their hand to answer the questions. All students answer the question.

Please come along to one of our Open Days to discover how everyone (teachers and students) are growing in their curriculum delivery and knowledge.

Jha, T. (2024) What is the Science of Learning? The Centre for Independent Studies, Analysis Paper 63.