Audiri SkoolBag
January 23, 2024

Welcome to 2024

Our teachers have been in at school preparing their learning spaces for our students when they commence the 2024 school year next Thursday 1st February.

Our school community is welcoming over 40 Prep students and 30 students in Year 1-6 this year. We look forward to meeting these students and their families next week.

We are fortunate to have an active Parents and Friends Committee and School Advisory Council who always consider ways to welcome and promote our school in the community.

In 2024 our school will be implementing a 'Behaviour Curriculum' in all classes and staff will receive learning about this new curriculum.

Australia has some of the most disruptive classrooms in the world. Safe, ordered and positive learning environments are a foundation for learning (PISA, 2019).

Teachers must plan how their classrooms will run and teach this explicitly to their students. Learning is as successful as the culture, expectations, routines and rules taught to and reinforced with students.

Our 2023 MACSSIS results showed that our students in Year 5/6 wanted to experience a sense of belonging and feeling safe in the classroom.

Our ‘Behaviour Curriculum’ that we will develop should assist with low level disruptive behaviour.

What is disruptive behaviour?

Low-level disruptions (which are more common) can include:

  • talking unnecessarily and calling out without permission
  • being slow to start work or follow instructions
  • showing a lack of respect for staff and other students
  • not bringing the right equipment
  • using mobile phones when they are not allowed.

(The Conversation, December 2, 2023)

Our staff and students will implement this curriculum slowly to ensure behaviours are understood and embedded by everyone.

The first four weeks of this year our school community will focus on:

  • Building meaningful connections
  • Entrance routines
  • Exit routines